Your Vessel
People running to and fro, not really knowing where they go,
Caught up in the madness of the day,
Fighting for the latest cause, to fix the world’s latest flaws,
Forgetting God’s already shown the way.
But when their search for meaning becomes an empty promise,
When their hearts cry out for truth, Lord I pray-
Let me be your vessel, filled with your Spirit,
Pouring out your love on the people of the earth.
Let my every action be a testimony,
To satisfy their hunger and quench their eternal thirst.
Latest fads and newest styles are gaining frequent flier miles
As people switch their gods from day to day.
But, when fear and loneliness set in, the hallmark of a life of sin,
Those earthly gods so quickly fall away.
But, when their search for meaning fades quickly out of style,
When their hearts cry out for truth, Lord I pray-
Let me be your vessel.
Lord, you are the answer to every single question.
You’re the way the truth and the light.
Lord it must be hard for you to see the things your people do;
To see how far this world has gone astray.
When you have paid the price for us, and faith in you would be enough
To fill the deepest hunger every day.
So, when their search for meaning turns to a search for love,
When their hearts cry out for truth, Lord I pray –
Let me be your vessel.

Matthew 28:18-20: The Great Commission
After showing himself to many following his resurrection, Jesus returned to Heaven to prepare a place for those who would follow him. Just before his ascension to Heaven, however, he left one final command.
Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus didn’t restrict his offer of grace and salvation to a select few, nor did he limit this offer to a specific group. Jesus said to make disciples of all nations. He offered this gift to all who would accept it, and it is up to us to spread that message of hope.

Look at the world around you. Pick up a newspaper or turn on the evening news and you see evidence of a lost world. We live in a generation that has seen great “advances” in technology. We “know” more now than at any time in history. Yet has any of this resulted in a better world? Fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and depression are everywhere. In their pain, people are turning to the wrong “gods” to ease that pain. Drugs, alcohol, food, prescription medications, adventure, television, sex, video games… The list of painkillers is long but ineffective.
We are all born with a God-sized hole in our hearts. When it is empty, you are empty. You can try to fill it with other things, but they can’t fill the hole, and their effect is only temporary. Worse yet, when they fail, the hole they leave is even bigger than the original hole. No matter how hard you try, nothing in this world can fill that hole. There is only One who can fill that hole, and that is God. Once God fills that space, the world becomes a different place. Joy abounds where depression once stood. Fulfillment and purpose replace loneliness and apathy. Hope lives, and despair is evicted.
If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and have discovered the difference that a relationship with him makes, you have the prescription to ease the pain of those who don’t. You can be the vessel to bring relief and hope to others. If you don’t know him, the good news is that this prescription is free since it has already been bought with the precious blood of our Savior.

For many, the idea of sharing their faith is frightening. They, like Moses, feel as though they are poor speakers and won’t know what to say. But just like God equipped Moses, he will equip us as well. Luke 12:12 tells us that the Spirit of Christ will teach us what we need to say for the situation. I personally experienced this once in a discussion with a friend. She asked me a question that I didn’t have an answer for, but once she asked it, the answer simply came to mind. That is the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
We also give testimony to our faith through our actions. As mentioned in an earlier section, that means that we need to guard our actions so that we don’t lead people away from Jesus. Consider someone who is dying from cancer and yet has hope for the resurrection and eternal life with Jesus, or the teenager who uses their spring break to go on a mission trip, or the person who responds to an angry spouse in love. Their actions speak volumes!
Finally, if you find it difficult to talk to others about your faith, consider the alternative. Each person who rejects the offer that Christ makes will spend eternity in Hell. Hell is real. It was created for the demons, but it is the choice that people make when they reject Jesus. And yes, God can call another to witness, but wouldn’t you rather be the one to face your Creator and hear him say, “Well done!”?
Please understand that it is not up to you to save anyone. That is the job of the Holy Spirit to work in that person and draw them to repentance and faith. Your job is simply to plant the seeds – to be a witness to the amazing person that is Jesus. And when we do, we can stand assured that when we meet Jesus face to face, he will be pleased.
Related Devotional

For suggestions on how to witness to others, check out these CRU websites:
Catch Excitement for the Gospel
I also recommend the book “Waking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive” by John Eldredge.
Music and lyrics by LuAnne Barnet. Copyright (c) 2003 LuAnne Barnet. All Rights Reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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