Walk Through the Bible
Written by LuAnne Barnet
There are many people today that believe that there are many paths to Heaven and that the Bible is an ancient history book that holds little relevance in our lives today. I used to be one of them. That all changed one day when God spoke to me through a book that I happened to come across. This revelation launched an intensive study of the psychology, sociology, physical science, history, math, and logic of the Bible.
Throughout these articles, I reference the Bible and encourage my readers to lean on Jesus Christ to live life from a place of victory. As you walk through the Bible, both Old and New Testament, you will see the answer to the question, “Why Jesus?” You will discover why Jesus is the only real answer to life, relationships, and emotional well-being.
After accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, God inspired me to write several songs that show how the Bible is relevant today. The Bible can be difficult to understand, and since it wasn’t written in chronological order, it can be hard to figure out where things fit. These songs are designed to walk you through the Bible, from start to finish, to demonstrate that it is truly the inspired Word of God, that it is relevant today, and that Jesus is who he says he is.
For now, I have simply printed the lyrics, but over time we will be adding a link to Youtube videos of each song. God Bless!
Please click on the links below to begin your journey through the Bible!

Old Testament
Genesis: Creation
Free Will: The Fall
I Promise You: The Flood
Unfathomable: God Calls Abraham
Higher Vision: Life of Joseph
Rescued: Moses Leads Israel Out of Egypt
Your Command: The Ten Commandments
Psalm 23: King David
Sins of the Fathers: The Kings of Israel
A King Foretold: Prophecies of the First Coming of Christ

New Testament
Emmanuel: The Birth of Jesus
Temptation: Satan Tempts Jesus
Take All of Me: The Calling of the Twelve Disciples
Shelter in the Storm: Jesus Calms the Storm
To Be Like You: The Sermon on the Mount
Silence: The Crucifixion
Gazing Into the Eyes of God: The Resurrection
Your Vessel: The Great Commission
Fire of God: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Always Been About Faith: Salvation by Faith
How: The Last Days
Worthy: Heaven & Hell
Child of God: You Are Loved!