Teens & Young Adults
Young people today face challenges that have never before been faced. Politics, Economics, Social issues, and Technology (PEST) will have a significant and unique effect on every generation. That’s why we see generational differences. The PEST that is molding our generation today seems to be moving in a more intense manner. 24-hour news stations and social media create a constant bombardment of information (much of which is false), and attempts to manipulate people into thinking in a specific way are given a direct platform. Social media also has a direct impact of self-esteem by linking your “worth” to how many “likes” or “followers” you can get. Clearly, this creates challenges to young people that are very unique.
Mental health issues and suicide rates in teens seem to be on the rise. Consider this quote from an article in the American Journal of Managed Care.
Between 2008 and 2017, the amount of adults that experienced serious psychological distress in the last month increased among most age groups, with the largest increases seen among younger adults aged 18-25 (71%). Notably, rates of serious psychological distress increased by 78% among adults aged 20-21 during the time period. “Mental Health Issues On the Rise Among Adolescents, Young Adults” by Jaime Rosenberg, March 19, 2019. https://www.ajmc.com/view/mental-health-issues-on-the-rise-among-adolescents-young-adults
This is why we have added this section to our site. Although the articles here are likely relevant to anyone (and some will be added to other sections as well), they are tailored specifically to teens and young adults because of the unique challenges they have.
While the challenges to this age group are great, there is an answer. Jesus is the answer to all of the challenges that any of us face. While that may seem simplistic, it is really quite profound as noted in the first article in this series, called “What is Your Identity?” This article (and many to follow) was written by my daughter, Nicolena Barnet. Nicolena was born in 2000 and is a true survivor. It is her faith that has helped her overcome life obstacles and trauma. For more information, please read her biography here:
This is a new section, but we will be adding more to this page in the near future. If there are specific topics you would like to see, please send them to luanne@songofvictory.com. God Bless!

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255